Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Starcraft Papercraft, Sims 3 Sale, Random Video of The Blog

Gimme Now!
I know I ranted about how I thought making an Audi car out of paper and I know I'm about to kinda contradict myself by saying I love these Starcraft paper crafts!

There Just so awesome though! The detail is incredible and the colouring is fantastic. If they were on sale I would definitely by them. Sadly they were made by a South Korean(I think) blogger.

Also, If there's any Sims fans out there you'll be extremely excited to here that Steam are having a humungous sale on at the moment as part of the EA deal of the day. I know most would probably want portal 2 to be the deal of the day but I can't see that happening too soon. My girlfriend loves the Sims so I may just get her all the DLC at a bargain price. I'll be in the good books for weeks!

Oh and here's someone with waaaay too much time on their hands!!!


  1. They must have took a long time to create!

  2. I want those SC2 origami. Do you know whose blog those are on? I want to ask them if I can buy them :P

  3. Outstanding post. Starcraft and Portal 2 are the best games around.

  4. those are some real good papercraft models, im sort of a paper craft nerd, ive made 5-6 different models, the longest i probably spent on one was 5 hours (to make a bowser from mario bros.)

  5. Here's his blog Sean -

    It's all in Korean though :S

  6. awesome post, cant waitt to try these out!! :-D

  7. love the sims. one of my fav. games

  8. This is pretty cool, you should action them off id so buy them :P
    How to Hack Life.

  9. the song is pretty nice :D

  10. That music video consisting of only windows noises totally made my day... probably even my week... I salute you sir, thank you!

  11. Those Starcraft figures are actually paper?? Wow - talk about time consuming - but it looks great, what nice homage to an awesome game.

  12. steam always comes through with the good stuff

  13. Wow, great detail on those Starcraft paper figures.

  14. Looking forward to getting that sims game!

  15. That song, must have taken days.
